Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've been remiss


Very sorry.

I can't expect you to write to your representatives unless you know where to write.

Click here:

or here: and here:

I got the bailout blues

As I was sitting here, getting ready to write my feelings about the proposed bailout of the auto industry I decided to check my email. My dad beat me to it. . .see below:

hi all--well here i am on my soapbox again. i see on the news where us poor taxpayers are going to be giving gm,ford and chrysler ANOTHER 25 billion dollars to bail them out from the effects of 60 years of mismanagement and greed this is wrong the automakers are blackmailing us with the threat of losing 3 million jobs if all the us automakers shut down appox 1.2 million jobs will be lost many of which are held by massively overpaid white collar workers ,about another 950,000 uaw workers will lose their jobs
so what the japanese and koren automakers are doing just fine thank you very much


well for one thing the asians don't pay their floor sweepers 22.50 per hour plus benefits[actual cost with pensions is about 45.00 per hour]
for a floor sweeper ? nice work uaw!!! that's one reason we pay $25,000 for a car that's worth about 15,000 and it may not even run
the big three have been bullying and bribeing our elected[god help us] officials since 1941 [ww2]
at the same time the top officials of EACH of the ''big three''each earned multi-million salaries and bonuses plus stock options


please write call or email your congressman and both your senators and tell them

capitalism,before it was corrupted,is all about survival of the fittest.if they can't cut the mustard let them sink into oblivion.....otherwise they'll drown us
if you look at these ''troubled'' industries you will see many success stories written by companies that ''get it''
think of honda,toyota,southwest airlines ,jet blue etc
oops out of room
go forth and BITCH UP A STORM[LOL]
jim smyth

Now. . .I don't disagree with my Dad, but I don't agree with him completely either. The autoworker unions are out of control, but so are most unions. When unions were first started it was needed. The government hadn't yet gotten involved by creating a multitude of labor laws. Now it has. But the unions aren't the biggest problem.

The biggest problem is that the automakers didn't look into the future. . .and of course this is the problem with any company that fails. They don't see what the customer is going to want next. Where the industry needs to go. So instead of heading the writing on the wall the car companies played ostrich, stuck their heads in the sand and went after the cheap buck. In that regard they deserve to fail.

However, that many people out of work, whether it be 3 million or less would be completely devestating to the economy. I personally feel if that were to happen we would see things not seen since the great depression.

Could this problem be solved? Yup. The current government only needs to look to history to solve this. First off, don't just give the automakers money. Make it a very low interest, very long term loan. Insist that with the money the first thing they do is refit factories to make more fuel efficient or alternate fuel vehicles. There is a diesel ford we can't get b/c they can't build it here. If they could and cheaply well then we could all be getting 65 mpg or more using biofuel right now. GM could get their electric vehicle out the door and sell it to us for less than 50 grand. (at that price I might as well keep my jeep).

The other thing that must be done. Get freaking welfare and extended unemployment benefits off the damn bill. I am so tired of politics as usual. If you want to increase the money to two items do them as separate bills altogether. Why does any bill that comes to the floor of the house or the senate have to be padded with tons and tons of extras? I am all for the parts that include extra money to infrastructure--the government should be funding that. Plus many schools and many road and many bridges need the work and it would help the economy immediately. Lets put those (union) laborers, carpenters, and iron workers to work. But stop trying to get your agenda passed. We, the American public, are sick and tired of politics as usual. It is time to address each problem individually and get the job done.

Which brings me to my final point. My dad is right. You, me, we all must write to our congressional reps and senators. Tell them to stop "dicking" around. Tell them it can't be politics as usual. Tell them to wake up do the right thing or by whatever deity you believe in we will vote them out of office--damn it!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Recitals are hell. . .it's awesome!

It is that time of year again. The time of year when my life ceases to belong to me and becomes the property of the dance teacher. IT'S RECITAL TIME!!!!!! And I love it.

Josie dances ballet, tap and jazz. She does a decent job. However, she looks cute as hell on stage. And she really likes it (especially recital time). But this means that the week of recital and the weekend of recital is a very busy time for us. She had rehearsal every day this week, from 5-6:30 Mon, Tues, Wed. Tonight (Thursday) was general rehearsal on the performance stage. It started at 4:30. It ended early, or at least earlier than in years past, at 8:30. Tomorrow she has to be at dress rehearsal at 4pm. It will most likely end at 10:30 or so. Saturday is the show, she has to be there at 5pm. Sunday is the matinee, she has to be there at noon.

During this time I get to dress her up, put makeup on her, and take lots of pictures and videos. I will actually move into the local high school and won't eat anything healthy for the next 3 days. It is hectic, I run all over the place. Josie will get cranky, I will get angry. I will yell, she will cry. I will hug her, and she will play with friends. She'll get on stage and smile and perform. I will video tape her. It is a very busy weekend and I will get to spend nearly every moment of it with Josie (not something I get to do very often).

I listen to the other parents complain and whine about this weekend. They psych themselves out and get all worked up. And I don't get it. What was the point of all the classes if it isn't to show us, our friends, and families how cute and how good the children look when they dance?

There is not an aspect of this weekend I don't love (I even love that I have to figure out how to get Jenna to her dance classes and commitments 30 minutes away). I look forward to this all year. And now I am happy it is finally here.

I really love this!

just some simple math

ok. . .so oil is down to $60.00 a barrel. And where I live gas is still $2.30 a gallon.

Well if we just do some simple math--

A few months ago (July to be exact) oil reached it's high point of $140 a barrel, and gas was selling for $4.50 or so a gallon. If oil is now down to $60.00 (as of the close of business today) then the math should go something like this:

4.50 = X
----- ----- 4.50x60=140x
140 60

270 = x

x = 1.92857

You can see where this is going. Now I know that there are taxes added in and all that, but nearly $.40 in taxes per gallon. I don't think so.

I find it interesting that the price of a gallon of gas does not seem to go down at the same ratio as the barrel of oil. We all know what that means, right? Yeah, the oil companies, well gas stations, are making more money per gallon of gas.

So, once again I beg everyone to "vote" with their wallets. Keep conserving gas, walk if you can, public transportation if you have it. Car pool at the very least. It is obviously working.

Like I said. . .just some simple math.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

For future reference

Ok, Ok so millions of people voted. I voted. I am proud that millions of people voted and that for the first time in 8 years I voted for the winner. That's all great!

But. . .and there is always a but. The record number of people that voted and made history in more ways than one now need to keep alert, stay involved, and not let the local politicans and elected representatives to state and local government get away with murder.

I am personally tired of back door/closed door deals (and in Rhode Island we have more of those than legitimate business any more). I am tired of special interest groups getting their way. I am tired of the little guy getting kicked all over the place while criminals and crooks get away with murder and make billions (HEAR ME EXXON MOBILE?!!!!!!)

Make sure that the people that represent you locally and federally are holding up their end of the bargain. And if they aren't write. Write to them, write to newspapers, write to the local stations. If you don't like the way a company conducts business then don't shop there (voting with your wallet is very effective, I haven't been into Circuit City in almost a year) They are only able to get away with this because so many Americans sit back of their couches and just stare at the tv in a slack-jawed manner. I'm not saying everyone does that, but not enough people go out and mobilize. Start locally and work up if you have to. HOLD EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

order up. . .kitchen breakdown

So. . .while writing my last whiny post. . .yeah it was whiny I know it was whiny--I can accept it, please don't hold it against me--I thought of something funny.

Jim helps me out all the time. And I mean all the time. I have friends with husbands that come home from work and literally sit on the couch and do nothing. Some play video games, some watch tv but none of them do anything to help out around the house. They are resistant to helping with the children and certainly wouldn't do everything that Jim does. I am spoiled and I know it.

So the other day after having a particulary violent meltdown b/c I don't ever sit down (not whining) Jim offered to make my dinner. I about fell over, but it was an easy meal to make, just season the pork chops and fry them quickly and then saute the vegetables. I was in the middle of a meeting when he called the first time and I didn't answer since it would be rude. After 5 minutes the phone rang again and I put it on vibrate. There was only 5 minutes left of the meeting at that point--what could possibly be so urgent.

Five minutes later as I walked out of the school the phone "rang" again. I figured at this point the kitchen must be on fire. It wasn't, but I am sure Jim could have handled that better than cooking. . .

He was literally screaming at me, "I can't do this, I can't do this!! I don't understand what I am supposed to be doing with any of this stuff!"

Now I had already explained to him what needed to be done before I left the house for the meeting. Season the pork chops, fry them quickly in oil and cut the vegetables up and saute them in oil. So easy.

I rushed home since he was completely freaking out. And I found him in the kitchen surrounded by all the ingredients with nothing cooking, almost in tears because he just couldn't figure out the three simple steps.

Now give this man a vacuum and he'll put anyone to shame, but hand him some meat and he's hopeless. In less than five minutes I had the swiss chard chopped and the pork in the pan. And from there I went down to Providence and picked up Jenna. He turned off the pan in 10 minutes and let it sit till I came home. He has already said that if it can't be cooked on the grill or in the microwave he won't touch it. But that's ok I would hate for the kitchen to ACTUALLY burn down.

Oh, and did I mention he did the dishes after I ate the dinner he "made"? I'm so spoiled.

My time is everyone else's time. . .I want me time.

So, I have been a very very bad blogger because every time I have a moment to myself I am too tired to move my fingers, let alone get my mind to form complete sentences.

And here is why:

Every weekday I get up at 5 am and get ready for work. I leave the house at 7am after getting the girls ready, which I couldn't do with out Jenna's help, but that is a different blog.

Work my 8 hours which is the easy part. And now the fun begins:

After work depending on the day I either go straight to Providence and sit outside the dance school and wait for Jenna to get done with dance or I go home and make dinner, then leave for Providence and wait for Jenna to be done dancing. This child literally dances every single day of the week.

Mondays 4-6:30, home at 7pm this is our early night, yay!!
Tuesday 7-8:30, don't come home after bringing her down since 30 minutes one way makes it utterly ridiculous to come home, just to turn around.
Wednesday 6:30-8:30, yay another night that I get home at 9pm
Thursday 3:30 - 7:00, seriously the 3:30 was hard to arrange, but more about that when I write about Jim
Fridays 5:00 - 7:00 and one would think that is it, but no we have more
Saturdays to earn her scholarship to this prestigious dance school that is pretty much ruining my life she has to "teach" a class from 1-2
and on Sundays. . .well there is Nutcracker rehearsal.

In between all this I have to do the laundry and make the food for the family to eat. Those are my two all the time jobs. So often by the time I make it to bed it's nearly midnight. I walk around all day in a constant state of forgetfulness because I am so damn tired.

And there is Josie's schedule to deal with. . .but that is yet another post.

I know, I know. The inclination is to say, "cut back her activities". But there are two problems with that.

1. Cutting her back. . .well she loses the scholarship and we can't pay for it any other way.
2. Every time I tell her she can't dance (except for the occasional night off) and the crying jag is unbearable. And it's not worth it.

She loves dancing and I love being able to give it to her. But sitting outside a ballet school in downtown Providence, RI (safe area thankfully) in a dark cold car isn't what I want in me time. I want a comfy couch, a warm cup of tea or coffee and a tv by my side. ahhhhhhh, to dream. One day I will have a weekend with no activites and I can just do NOTHING!!